domingo, 23 de enero de 2011


After 14 months spent here, we are now about to leave this wonderfull
white continent and go back to the "real" world...
It's quite sad to think it's probably the last time I see this fabulous
place, its animals and landscapes...I know I'll miss it.
As soon as the weather improves we'll embark for Tasmania. I'm looking
forward to lying on the Australian beaches!

I didn't write many posts on this blog during this year, we had so many
things to see here that it's not always easy to sit at the computer...

2 comentarios:

  1. Si no has tenido mucho tiempo para sentarte frente al ordenador es porque tenías muchas otras cosas interesantes y necesarias que hacer, misión cumplida por lo tanto.

    Disfruta de Australia y vuelve para contarnos en primera persona tu experiencia antártica.

    ¡Hasta muy pronto!

  2. Sophie, je te souhaite un très bon voyage de retour, et ne sois pas triste de quitter DDU,
    tu resteras marquée à vie par ton séjour en Antarctique, et nous attendons avec impatience pour que tu nous en parle de vive voix....


