To allow Jean, the marine biologist, to do his job, a hole was dugged for
him in the sea-ice, at the end of April. This was not an easy task because
the ice was already 50 cm thick at the time. This hole will be used till
the end of spring.

So, when the weather is nice, we can spend a few hours with Jean at the
hole and help him with his work. He mainly performs carrots of ice to
study the organisms trapped in it. He also measures water salinity and
temperatures at different depths, and, of course, he catches fishes to
carry on differents studies.

His job is not easy because of the cold, but luckily after a couple of
hours the job is mainly done. And we can often enjoy the company of a
weddell seal who comes to breathe at the hole, to disappear a few minutes
after under the ice.